September 04, 2010

What they'd be saying if a Republican were prez...

A commenter at Ace's place noted that if a Republican was president, every lead story of every news broadcast would be about the awful depression, the huge unemployment.

We'd be hearing and reading endless stories about Grandma having to eat catfood, the homeless--and more wrenchingly, homeless children --dying of heat-stroke or in the freezing cold, the family that had to sell everything and move in with the parents because of unemployment and so on.

But with the Dems running things, what do we hear? That an uptick in the unemployment rate is a sign of recovery. We even have Time magazine putting out statements like this:
The unemployment rate, probably the most famous of economic gauges, may actually be a very bad indicator of how healthy the economy is.

Wow. They've always been liars, but it's getting so bad nowadays that any second I expect some liberal crap-weasel to publish something like "War is peace. Freedom is slavery." (Can't recall the third Orwellian saying from "1984.")


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