October 15, 2010

Barney Frank and the mortgage meltdown

Barney Frank blocked investigations into Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac at a time when he was living with his gay lover (1987 to 1998)-- who just happened to be a senior executive at Fannie Mae.

If a Republican had done that, there would have been a congressional investigation followed by prison terms. But for Democrats, the MFM will merrily ignore all transgressions.

Okay, that's all "old news", right?

But the new twist is that Frank--facing a strong election challenge for his House seat--is now claiming that he resisted investigations into Fannie and Freddie because...he feared that the eeevil Wepubwicans were gonna'...um...pass some meaningful reforms on those two agencies that might have avoided another ten years of disastrous lending to unqualified borrowers.

You really should read the link to get a full dose of what an outrageous liar this guy is.

He really should be in prison. Instead he's still in the House and will likely be re-elected.

Imbecilic Massachusetts voters...


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