June 26, 2012

Muzzies sentence 2 to die for drinking

Hey liberals and Democrats: Like a glass of wine or a beer from time to time?

Are you willing to die for it? Because that's the punishment for consuming alcohol under Sharia law.

Yep, those pillars of moderate Islam, the Iranian mullahs, have sentenced two Iranian citizens to be executed for their third offense of drinking alcohol.

Not for drunk driving, or committing murder while intoxicated. Just for drinking.

This is the reality of Sharia law.

In my home state the citizens signed an initiative petition to pass a law saying our state courts could not enforce any provision of Sharia law here. It passed by a two-to-one margin. Because two-thirds of our state's citizens knew what Sharia meant.

Can you guess what happened? Yep, a federal court overturned that law.

Sharia: coming to your state sooner than you'd think

That's okay--you really didn't like drinking that much anyway, right?

By the way, do you like music?


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