January 27, 2013

"A hollow, incompetent shell"

Blogger Richard Fernandez watched as communists came within a hair of taking over his native Philippines, so he has a special interest in politics.  He believes malevolent regimes and groups around the world are beginning to suspect that under the shiny facade the Obama administration is actually just a shambling, incompetent, hollow shell.

The U.S. can't even control its own borders.  In response, congresswhores are working to pass a bill by May that would officially legalize those who have entered illegally--just as Obama, by executive decree last year, declared that his administration would no longer deport illegal immigrants who were brought in while under age 15, thus effectively nullifying U.S. immigration law.

For the last three years the Democrat-controlled senate has refused to comply with U.S. law requiring that it pass a budget detailing how much the federal government can spend, and on what.  Rather than insist that his fellow Democrats in the senate obey the law, Obama responded by demanding that congress simply abolish any limits on his spending.

Now the world sees the Obama administration responding with a collective shrug to the murder of one of its ambassadors.  Oh, wait--the Obamites *did* take action: after initially selling the bullshit story that the attack on the consulate arose from a spontaneous demonstration about a video critical of Islam, they quickly arrested...the guy who made the video!
Hey, that'll show al-Qaeda.

Obama and company seem to have decided they don't want the U.S. to be either respected or feared.  The notion of "American heroes" is repugnant to them.  Thus it doesn't seem far-fetched to imagine that North Korea, Iran, al-Qaeda, China, Russia--once restrained by the memory of a powerful America from the past--are now going to be bolder after their probes have shown that Obama administration won't respond.

Today we're "defended" by people like Kerry, Hagel, Brennan, Holder, Napolitano, Jack Lew and Obama. Our opponents see Chris Matthews praising Obama as the greatest president we've ever had--as great as Lincoln or Washington.  But the results of probes by al-Qaeda, Iran, North Korea and others show Obama is worthless when it comes to defending the nation.

Fasten your seatbelts.


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