August 08, 2013

Amnesty inches closer

For over a year now I've been telling you that amnesty was in the works--that the Democrats were pushing a program that would give citizenship to 11 million aliens who sneaked across our borders illegally.

That legalization, in turn, will open the door to millions more aliens--not yet in the U.S.--being given citizenship.  This will guarantee Democratic control of the government for 30 to 40 years.

Not surprisingly, Democrats are delighted by this prospect.

I've told you the exact legislative trickery the Democrats will use to make this happen.  You didn't pay attention so I'll tell you again:

The senate [spit] passed an amnesty bill some months ago.  But there was no way the senate bill would be passed by the Republican-majority House. 

The loophole is an abomination called a "conference."  If the two chambers pass different versions of a bill, the leadership of each chamber appoints a few selected members to negotiate with appointed members from the other chamber to resolve differences between two versions.

Problem is, this negotiation is held in secret--no transcripts, no independent witnesses, no record.

The House thinks that by refusing to pass a bill even remotely similar to the senate bill, it can achieve needed goals (like increasing staffing on the border to enforce border security better than the one-out-of-ten apprehension rate now) without letting the senate push its version into law.

This is, to put it charitably, utter folly.  The senate plans to take any bill passed by the House and "conference" it into a bill containing essentially all the liberal goals of the senate version.

Sweet, eh?

Because there's no record of who proposed what, the Democrats will be able to deny doing anything that even remotely compromised our sovereignty and security, and who can say they're liars?  Provisions utterly hated by 70 percent of all Americans will mysteriously find their way into the bill, and yet no one will claim authorship.

It's a fool's mission.  But then again, look who the idiots in this country elect as senators.

 bet is that


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