August 03, 2013

Best NY Times story *ever* !!

My all-time favorite story that the NY Times has evah printed:

Today the Times announced it had agreed to sell the Boston Globe for $70 MILLION.

Normally that'd be pretty neat, but the problem is that when the Times bought the Globe in 1993 it paid a tad more than that:  $1.1 BILLION.

Now, there's a lot of evidence suggesting that while liberals do know there's a difference between "million" and "billion," a lot of 'em are sorta hazy on exactly what the difference IS.  So for those playing at home it'll be easier if we convert everything to millions:

The Times bought the Globe for $1,100 Million, and is selling for $70 million.  That's a loss of $1.03 BILLION, or $1,030 Million.

To put it in terms familiar to us flyover folks, it's like you buying a house for $200,000 and selling it 20 years later for $14,000.  Wow, such a deal!

Normally I'd feel a pang of sympathy for a failed business venture, but in this case I'm sorta amused about the story because the Times has been a huge supporter of the Left and Democrats/libs/"progressives" for as long as I can remember.  And their execs/owners believe they know exactly what policies are best for the nation and the economy, and how to make stellar decisions in both areas.

How's that working for ya?  Yeah, about like it's working for the whole country.

Karma, baby.


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