September 09, 2013

DNC head: "We have support of dozens of countries" for Syrian strike. Won't name even one

Democratic pols seem to lie so easily.  In the latest example, DNC chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz claimed to have received briefings--presumably from the Obama administration--that the U.S. had the support of "dozens" of other nations in proposing to strike Syria.  But when asked which countries, here's what she said:

“I mean we have, from the briefings that I’ve received, there are dozens of countries who are going to stand with the United States, who will engage with us on military action and also that back us up,” Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.) told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer...

It's okay, guys:  We know you have zero support for this--well, except from al-Qaeda, whose members are positively giddy that the U.S. Air Force may be ordered to help them overthrow Assad.

But wait a sec:  If Iran and Russia are supporting Assad, why not let those two countries continue to support him in fighting as-Qaeda for as long as possible?  Isn't that win-win for the U.S.?


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