December 24, 2013

Is the Constitution the supreme law of this land, or not?

Constitution of the United States: Article 1 - The Legislative Branch
Section 8 - Powers of Congress

The Congress shall have Power to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

Because between what seems to have been the extortion of chief justice John Roberts--as evidenced by the wholly tortured "reasoning" in his opinion upholding Obamacare--and Obama's endless quest to patch his signature legislation into a vague semblance of functionality, we find ourselves with what appears to be a violation of the Constitution:

Recall that the Supreme Court declared that the "mandate"--the terms of the ACA that forced citizens to buy health insurance after the government forced companies to cancel perfectly good insurance--was a tax.

Now, in deciding to allow some citizens to escape this tax, if they are connected in certain ways, Obama has made the tax apply non-uniformly.

This is clearly barred by the Constitution, Article 1 Section 8, quoted above.

Either the Constitution is the supreme law of this nation or it is not.

Surely to God there must be at least one citizen of this lawless nation who has the legal standing to sue Barack Obama with the relief of declaring this heavily-decree-changed law unconstitutional.

Oh, and one more small aside:  You know all those changes King Barack has made to the duly-passed "settled law of the land" (14, at last count)?  Not one was made by executive order--which is at least a registered process with a paper trail and signatures.  All the others were simply made by...decree and press release.  Well, that's probably equivalent to passing a law--at least for Democratic presidents with veto-proof, impeachment-proof majorities.

Better and better, eh?


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