January 09, 2014

Newest Hot-Button-Issue from Team Obozo:  "Promise Zones"--troubled neighborhoods in five cities and areas "that will be eligible for tax breaks and other forms of assistance designed to create jobs and improve education, housing and public safety."

And we're absolutely certain these will work just as well as Obama's other promises:
>"Mine will be the most transparent administration in history."
>"The content of all bills will be posted 72 hours before a vote, so people can see what's in them."
>"If you make under $250,000 your taxes won't go up by even a dime."  (Before the Supremes said Obamacare's forced cancellation and purchase of goofy insurance had to be considered a "tax" to be Constitutional.)
>"Use of chemical weapons in Syria will cross a red line."
>"If you like your health insurance you can keep it.  Period."
>"If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor.  Period."
>"I was never briefed on the gun-running program called 'Fast and Furious.'"  But he invoked "executive privilege" to prevent Eric Holder from having to testify before congress--and for EP to legitimately be invoked the executive employee has to have provided counsel to the president.

Eh, what difference does it make?


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