January 08, 2014

School: "Free speech doesn't extend to mentions of Christianity in public school"

Just before Christmas a first-grade student in California tried to pass out candy canes to classmates. His teacher prevented that because the student had attached a small tag to each one telling how candy canes became a symbol of Christmas.

Sensing a Level-5 Religious Crisis the teacher quickly conferred with the principal before telling 6-year-old Isaiah Martinez, “Jesus is not allowed in school." The teacher then removed all the tags, threw them in the trash and then permitted the student to distribute them.

The superintendent of the West Covina Unified School District has issued the expected bullshit "We dint do nuffin'" statement, saying the district's goal was merely to "maintain religious neutrality in the classroom and to communicate this to the child in an age-appropriate manner.”

Oh, definitely. Wouldn't wanna get that sweet, sweet "religious neutrality" across to kids in a way that wasn't "age-appropriate," eh?

What unalloyed bullshit. Suppose a muzlim student had wanted to hand out candy with a label saying Islam was their friend and a peaceful religion. Can you in your wildest fucking dreams imagine any public employee stripping off *those* tags?

Of course not. They'd be scared to death to try that. This is typical government cover-your-ass bullshit.

If I had a grade-school kid I'd try a gig like that just to watch what would happen.

BTW, anyone hear the phrase "the war on Christmas?" It's a phrase used by conservatives to designate the fact that mentioning Christmas, or even *wishing someone* Merry Christmaas has become controversial. But this year I'm seeing that the Left has adopted the same phrase but in a sarcastic way, as a way of saying that this isn't real.

Ah. "Not real." Like this kid's experience.


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