February 14, 2017

Baltimore Sun rationalizes carjackings: We only have barely over one a day so it's tolerable. And don't blame...

Following article is from the Baltimore Sun just a couple of days ago.  You need to read it so you can see the ridiculous lengths liberals in shithole cities will go to to rationale thugs sticking guns in drivers' faces and carjacking 'em.
Carjackings in Baltimore have more than tripled since 2013, and the number has continued to climb in the first weeks of 2017, at a rate that has far outpaced other auto thefts.
Experts see several reasons for the spike.  The overwhelming majority of suspects are young men or juveniles who are emboldened by the relative ease of the crime, and a belief that if they're caught, the courts won't give them a serious punishment.

Some see the increase as an unintended consequence of better antitheft security. Electronic key fobs and codes, required to start newer-model cars, have made them more difficult to steal — unless the driver is present.  [This is nothing more than an effort to rationalize carjacking:  "It's because car-makers have made it harder to steal cars."  Ah, yes...forcing those poor thugs to carjack to survive.  Got it.]

The crime remains relatively rare in Baltimore — there were 402 carjackings in 2016, or little more than one a day.

[Note how the editors and reporter try to trivialize one carjacking a DAY.  This is outrageous.  In the similar-sized city where I live there aren't two a YEAR.  Why in the world are Baltimore's editors and "reporters" so determined to trivialize their city's atrocity?  Oh, now I get it:]

There were 5,161 auto thefts, or more than 14 per day.

Researchers have long predicted a shift toward carjacking.  A 2003 study noted "Stealing unoccupied cars has become increasingly difficult in recent years owing to improved anti-theft technology, and doing so can be both time-consuming and dangerous."

[By contrast, carjacking is only dangerous to the owner, since the thug has a gun and Baltimore doesn't allow concealed-carry for civilians.  Ooops, you mean the thugs are breaking the gun laws by carrying?  Why yes, yes they are.  Everyone who is surprised by this please leave.]

Carjacking is less common in Baltimore than many other crimes, and rarely does it result in death. But injuries can occur.  In December, police say, two teens approached then-City Councilwoman Rochelle "Rikki" Spector in a parking garage, threw her to the ground, beat her and stole her car.  Police arrested a 13-year-old and a 15-year-old in that attack.
A 1992 carjacking in Howard County drove a national scare.  A young mother was driving her 22-month-old daughter to her first day of nursery school when two males yanked her out of her BMW.  She tried to save her child but got caught in a seat belt and was dragged to death.

[Wow, sure am glad that carjacking "rarely results in death."  Cuz, y'know, if some poor young mother got killed then us politicians and editors would be...well...well, we would just be outraged!  We might even print something mildly critical of the thug culture that thinks this is a great way to operate!  On second thought, we probably wouldn't, cuz...well...we don't want people to call us racists or something.]
[Female police chief] said carjackers are mostly young men and teens looking for cars to ride around in at their leisure.  [See, citizen?  They're not bad kids, cuz they're just "riding around at their leisure."]
They roam in groups in Baltimore, she said, going on carjacking sprees until every person has his own car. In one case, she said, police recovered several key fobs in a house where suspects were holding onto multiple cars parked nearby.

Davis suspects young men are "preying" on teens, coercing or persuading them to carjack vehicles because they know juvenile courts are lenient on offenders. Burrus said some of the juveniles arrested for carjacking last year are back on the street, and detectives think they are committing more carjackings.

"When juveniles are caught, whatever consequences they receive is not enough to deter their behavior," police spokesman Lt. Jarron Jackson said.

"It's almost a sport now, honestly," Spector said. "I can tell you in my case, the 13-year-old had a 2-year-old rap sheet of carjacking in Federal Hill."

She said the she was stunned at how young the boys were. She said they were wearing school uniforms and carrying book bags when they approached her car.
Spector said she thought they might be asking her a question or seeking a few dollars. Instead, police say, they yanked her out of the car, got in and tried to drive out of the parking garage. They couldn't get past the gate of the parking garage, and two nearby workers intervened.

The case is in juvenile court, where proceedings are kept confidential.

Spector said the 15-year-old has pleaded guilty but has not been sentenced.  After the trial Spector said, she sat down with him and asked: "What were you thinking?"  The boy could only cry in response, she said. Spector said she hugged and kissed him.  "I just hope and pray that you will think next time and not even think to do something like this again," she told him.

Henry Marucut got carjacked.  In addition to having his car stolen he lost an iPad, a laptop computer, cash and personal items; he had to spend $500 to get new car keys, $300 to tow the car and $230 for the city impound fee.
Detectives ultimately arrested a 17-year-old. Marucut attended two juvenile court hearings in the hope he would see justice and receive restitution.  Didn't happen.

He said he was told the state would not press the felony charges — kidnapping, carjacking, grand theft — that an adult would face.  His request for restitution went nowhere, he said. The teen didn't work. His mother was disabled and on government assistance.

A professor who studies carjacking says it's easy to understand how carjacking can grow among teens in a city.  He says if one of them learns the consequences of being caught are minor, the others quickly learn.

Some might carjack someone because they feel a driver with a new or desirable car is "showing it off."  "Carjacking is a way to get really both things that they want," he said. "The carjacker takes you down a notch in terms of status and shows you that you're vulnerable, while stealing what you have."
If you're from a civilized city in flyover country this level of rationalizing serious, deadly crime by editors of a major paper sounds unbelievable.  Unfortunately this is how liberals think, and the avalanche of carjackings is the kind of result their policies inevitably must produce, time after ghastly time.

Blame the car makers.  Blame the cops.  Blame the victims.  Blame "root causes" or the economy.  But whatever you do, don't blame the thugs who do this shit.  Call 'em "naive teens" or whatever.  But don't seriously punish 'em, cuz...well, you know, that would be raaacist.

And if an 80-year-old woman is thrown into a concrete pillar or beaten on the ground by a 13 year-old and a 15-year-old, just look the other way.  Cuz you know, no one was actually killed, so...

And if a young mother does get dragged to death trying to save her baby strapped in the car-seat as thugs carjack her... well that was just "a carjacking gone wrong," so you can't blame the thugs.  Dumb woman should have just let the thugs take her kid, counting on 'em to drop the kid off a couple of miles down the road, right?  But whatever you do, don't blame the thugs.  Because....


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