August 01, 2019

Social-justice warriors start GoFundMe to send food to starving Venezuelans

If you pay attention to the news you may have heard that the people of Venezuela are starving.  The exact reason isn't clear but really, we all know why, right? 

Sure: It's because that crazy maniac OrangeMan in the White House has wrecked that country's economy, and imposed a food embargo to starve them, hoping hunger will spur Venezuelans to vote out their socialist government!

A crucial part of Trump's eeeevil scheme was help from U.S. oil companies, which forced the price of oil way way down:  It dropped from over $140 per barrel to just about $58 today.  Since oil is the main source of foreign income for Venezuela, that cut government revenue terribly!

Of course crazy Trump supporters claim this is nonsense--that the oil companies have always wanted the price of oil to go UP and would never intentionally make the price of oil go down, but they're just spouting Republican talking points.  It's nonsense.

We can't let Trump and the oil companies defeat the valiant people of Venezuela!  So we've set up a GoFundMe to send food to Venezuela!  When we reach $1 million we'll charter a ship, fill it with organically-grown food, grown on Fair Farm Wage farms, and send it to Venezuela.

We know all good-thinking Americans--and all Democrats--support socialism, and since Venezuela is the newest socialist country in the western hemisphere it's a tragedy that they have so little food through no fault of their own.  So donate as much as you can, right away, so we can help these poor people.

Remember, their plight isn't their fault!  They're totally innocent.  Some bigots and racists are whispering that the food shortage is due to socialist policies, but we know that's just a big lie, pushed by the Trump administration.  The fact is that all their problems have been caused by the Trump administration, which ordered U.S. oil companies to cut the price of oil to bankrupt Venezuela!  It's just one more example of the evil capitalists cutting prices to hurt little countries.

The response by U.S. Democrats and fans of socialism to the plight of Venezuela has been absolutely wonderful:  Our GoFundMe was only set up two days ago and we've already raised $137!  We'd like to give a big shout-out to our early donors: 
  • Nancy Pelosi -- $25  Thank you, Madam Speaker!  We knew we could count on you to lead!
  • Sean Penn -- $15
  • Senator Chuck Schumer -- $15 
  • Senator Diane Feinstein -- $10
  • Barbra Streisand -- $10
  • Michael Moore (film maker) -- $8
  • Hillary Clinton -- $7.50
  • Senator Bernie Sanders -- $5
  • Barack Obama (winner of Nobel peace prize and former president) -- $5
  • Chelsea Clinton (winner of Lifetime achievement award and future Senator) -- $4.50
Thank you all so much!  You're showing the world the true spirit of socialism--generously sharing your personal wealth with people around the world!   You're defnitely showing "leadership by example."


Blogger Love2sew said...

Making me smile all over!!

6:46 PM  
Blogger Love2sew said...

Making me smile all over😁

6:47 PM  

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