August 27, 2017

In Quebec, thugs in masks order news network not to film their riot, smash camera
On August 19th in Quebec, Canadians angry about their socialist prime minister's open-borders policy tried to hold a rally.  Their meeting place was surrounded by Antifa and assorted assholes, who prevented them from leaving.

National network news teams were on scene, filming.  A masked demonstrator ordered one video crew not to film.  The camera guy replied that they had every right to film.  Whereupon the fascist thug grabbed the expensive commercial video camera and smashed it.

So now masked rioters laughably mis-named "Antifa" feel free to order news camera teams not to film their rioting, eh?  Hmm...

In any case, these thugs have a website, which posted their rationale for ordering the team to stop filming, and then for smashing the camera.  It's titled "In defense of smashing corporate media cameras," and you have to see it to believe it.

During the [self-proclaimed] anti-fascist mobilization against the racist far-right in Quebec city on Sunday, a Global News camera was destroyed by black bloc participants 1.  We’d like to offer an explanation for why this happened, and why it will continue to be a necessity in demonstrations where people will be breaking the law.

Sometimes it's necessary to...break the law in order to do the ethical thing.  Those who mask up...have decided, at great personal risk, that they will use any means necessary to shut down... organizing [by anyone they disagree with].

Many of us believe that the entire system needs to be abolished, that the laws are oppressive, or that those who make the laws are responsible for a serious and urgent problem; whether that’s the destruction of our planet, the hundreds of thousands of home foreclosures, murders carried out by police with impunity, etc.
Let's analyze this for a moment: These snowflakes "believe that the entire system needs to be abolished."  Does anyone think these assholes are amenable to a compromise?  Think you can co-exist with people who are determined to abolish the entire system?

They believe "that those who make the laws are [causing] a serious, urgent problem."  Actually most conservatives agree with you.  But there's already a system to replace the people who make the laws.  It's called "free and honest elections."  We agree that it's flawed, but if the elections are honest, it's far less destructive and deadly to use that method than to use violent revolution.

Right now you snowflakes think revolution is peachy.  That's because the only group beating people is you.  One of you out of 100,000 gets killed, and you're horrified, so you're convinced the people you're beating will simply continue to give ground.  Because you think you won't meet real violent resistance you have every reason to push for violent revolution.

Guy named Hitler went thru that same thought process.  You might want to research how that worked out for him and his army.
Every photograph that is taken of people wearing masks or doing illegal actions becomes evidence that can be used for repression. 
"Repression," eh?  Oh, dat's right: you snowflakes view laws as "repression."
Police routinely use footage from demonstrations found on social and independent media to criminally charge people and put them in cages.
"Cages."  Oooh, dat's cruel!  Oh wait, do you mean "jail"?  Yeh, dat's what happens to people who assault others and destroy property.  Surely you knew that.
To make demonstrations safer for [us masked thugs] we need to make our demonstrations camera-free zones.
"Camera-free zones" sounds so...genteel.  Like "food-free" to describe socialist Venezuela.  SO much more "information-free" than "we order you not to film."  Cuz, y'know, that would be...fascist, eh?
First off, discourage people from filming or taking pictures during a protest, and explain how it is harmful. 
"Discourage people from filming."  As in, "Stop filming or we'll smash your camera and beat you."  Or as the Left calls it, "persuasion."
On Sunday in Quebec City, a CTV journalist was told not to film people with masks, to which he replied that he had every right to (which, according to the State’s laws, he indeed does). When he was given a final warning that if he continued his camera would be smashed, he walked over to the police to point us out, and later ripped off the mask of a comrade (which he paid for with a sore face the next day).
Note the passive construction:  "A journalist was told not to film..."  Far less threatening to a reader than "We ordered him not to film..."  Gee, almost like they're trying to disguise their tactics.
Last Sunday several [of our revolutionary comrades] came equipped with water-guns full of black paint to spray in the faces of fascists. Using similar tactics to blind the lenses of corporate media cameras, or even plain-old spray paint, will come in handy in the future.
Saying you're willing to spray paint in the faces of your opponents sounds like "great bodily harm."  Hopefully your revolutionary comrades in the States will pick up this tactic--cuz in most states folks are allowed to used firearms if they're "in fear of GBH." 

If the fascist thugs in black masks feel free to order news teams not to film, what's next?   Ordering witnesses not to talk to cops?  Holding women and children hostage?  Throwing bombs?

Their own article admits that they believe breaking the law is justified to accomplish their goals.  There's a shorthand for that:  The ends justify the means.

If they believe they're entitled to break law X, why not Y and Z?  Think they won't kill you if you get in their way?  It's time the adults brought out the street-sweepers.

They hate cops, but betcha when they're being shot they'll suddenly decide they want cops to protect 'em.


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