August 27, 2017

SJW's at a Colorado U demand that veterans be banned from 4-year universities

A "newsletter" demanding that military veterans not be permitted to attend a four-year university  has been posted at a Colorado university.

The newsletter--titled “Social Justice Collective Weekly”--claims the military is "a white supremacist organization," that veterans "are usually associated with extremist right-wing groups such as the Tea Party,"  and that LGBTQQI2SAA snowflakes (I'm not making that up) "are frightened by the presence of veterans in their classrooms."

Of course this is such blatantly insane garbage that you think it can't possibly be real.  Okay, here's the text:
First off, many veterans openly mock the ideas of diversity and safe spaces for vulnerable members of society.... [T]he problem lies in their socialization into the military culture that is...a white supremacist organization.

They have been permanently tainted, and are no long [sic] fit for a four-year university.

Second, many students are frightened by the presence of veterans in their classrooms. Veterans usually have an overwhelming presence in the classroom, which can distract other students. This is usually true for vulnerable individual [sic] such as LGBTQQI2SAA [sic], who have been known to be the butt of insensitive jokes made by veterans.

Finally, veterans usually are associated with extremist right-wing groups such as the tea party and the NRA.  In order to provide a safe place for all students, extremist right-wing groups must be suppressed on campus. This would include their followers: veterans.

That is not to say that veterans should not be allowed an education.
Well that's real fuckin' generous of you, snowflake!  So what do you intend to allow?
Veterans should be allowed to attend trade schools, or maybe even community college. But, in order to protect our academic institutions we must ban veterans from four-year universities.”

The head of the university issued a long statement saying that although he disagreed with the points made, whoever posted it had the right to do so.

Now, I agree with free speech:  Let the deranged Leftist snowflakes, Black Lies Matter, La Raza (the group that demands that all southwest states be restored to Mexico) broadcast their demands as wide as they wish, so we can all see 'em.  But try this little thought experiment:

What do you think the asshole head of the university would be saying if a group sought to post a letter on campus bulletin boards claiming blacks, illegal immigrants and LGBTEITHGNGIE's were intimidating straight students, and saying "We must BAN these people from 4-year universities."

Think the asshole would be singing a different tune?  Of course.

"Double standards" aren't just a meaningless term--they illustrate the total, blatant hypocrisy of the Left on so many, many topics.

These are the real fascists, the real Nazis.


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