August 19, 2017

What MUST happen when Dem-controlled city governments allow Antifa to beat up others?

From a commenter on Belmont Club:
When the Antifa types learn that Democrat-controlled governments will allow them to attack others with impunity (something they've already learned), not only will they continue to attack, but will increase the violence of those attacks. 

If they can beat people with baseball bats while the police watch without responding, what is to keep them from shooting or stabbing those who oppose them next time?  In a Democrat run city, there will be no response, no arrest, no prosecution.

That's why the media has to jam that story, to keep Americans not on the Left from grasping that reality.
The public was starting not to believe The Narrative of "Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election," so on August 12th something the Media spins as a "racist riot" by "white supremacists" happens in Charlottesville. 
The Media instantaneously pivot out of "collusion with Russia" and into "Racism & Riot" without missing a beat. After nearly a year of Trump & Russia, all day, every day, the "collusion with Russia" narrative vanishes.  Trump is no longer a Russian.  Instead, Trump is now a racist.
Democrats and liberals claim not to believe there's any connection whatsoever between the thugs of "Antifa" and the Communist Party.  If you're one of those, take a look at this pic of the dais at the Communist Party's "Third International:"

Wait!  Be reasonable, comrade.  Anyone can see that this photo is CIA agitprop!

Another commenter:
Soon--if not already--just advocating for the local university to teach a course in western civ will get you labeled as a white nationalist, racist, terrorist.


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