October 18, 2017

Obama's U.N. rep claims someone else made many "unmasking requests" under her name

If true, this is huge:  Last week Obama's ambassador to the United Nations, Samantha Power, testified before the House Intelligence Committee about the thousands of "unmasking requests" she made--more than one per business day during her last year in office.  And what she said was shocking.

If you haven't followed this you need some background: Someone in the Obama administration--perhaps several people--asked U.S. wiretapping agencies to "unmask" the identity of Americans who'd been recorded during phone conversations with foreign agents.  This is only legal under a very narrow range of reasons.

South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy said Power was “emphatic” on the point that she did not make all of the unmasking requests the paperwork says she made. 

If she's telling the truth--something yet to be determined--it means someone else in the Obama administration made the unmasking requests using her name.

If that's true, why is it a big deal?  Because it would be proof that the Obama regime was knowingly breaking the law with its unmasking "requests" (essentially commands).  And the only logical reason for hiding requests to unmask an American is if they're not legitimate--as would be true if the person making the "request" wanted to use the info to harm political opponents.

Wait, didn't Obama say--literally--"This will be the most transparent administration in history"?

Yeah.  Totally "transparent."

Thorough, scum-sucking crooks.  All of 'em.  They all should be in prison.  But we all know that won't happen.  No one will ever be punished... cuz laws don't apply to Democrats.


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