November 10, 2017

Head of a black group calls for our national anthem to be changed, claiming it's raacist

For some years now blacks have demanded that cities and states remove all statues of Confederate generals.

Gradually, increasing numbers of virtue-signalling whites began to support this demand.  Eventually, politicians stuck a wet finger up in the air and realized they'd get more votes by agreeing to this demand than they'd lose by opposing it, and they agreed to the demand.

The next demand was that all references to Thomas Jefferson be removed.  Politicians bowed and surrendered.

Next was a demand to rename all parks, streets and schools named after the great general Robert E. Lee, and Jefferson Davis.

Pols quickly caved.  It got so ridiculous that the morons in one school district in Oregon or Washington state changed the name of "Lee Elementary" even though the Lee family in question was unrelated to General Lee, and had simply donated a bunch of land to the city to build schools.

Next was the demand that the nation remove statues honoring George Washington.  It's my understanding that Washington freed his slaves, but I suspect that makes no difference to the screamers.

Now the latest demand is to remove the Star-spangled Banner as our national anthem.

Seriously.  The head of a black organization in California has demanded that we drop the anthem because...the third verse is raaaaacist!

Bet you didn't even know there was a third verse.  And I'll bet that before this person in California complained, not ten blacks in the whole country knew there was a third verse, let alone what its lyrics were.

Here's the verse she found offensive;
  And where is that band who so vauntingly swore
   that the havoc of war and the battle's confusion
   a home and a country should leave us no more?
  Their blood has washed out their foul footsteps' pollution.
  No refuge could save the hireling and slave
   from the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave.
  And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave
   o'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

Ah, see?  See???  Certainly.  Screamingly obvious why she believes the anthem is raaaacist:  It contains the word "slave."  Sure.  Definitely raaaacist.

But for those who know the history of the Revolutionary War and England, the context makes it clear that that the author of the lyrics wasn't talking about American slaves (presumably black) but was referring to certain British soldiers.  The British had their equivalent of a foreign legion, mostly German mercenaries called Hessians.  Hence, "hirelings."  Similarly, some British noble families sent their "bondsmen" (indentured servants) to fight for the king.  Hence "slave."  And virtually all "bondsmen" in the U.K. were white.

So "slave" didn't refer to blacks at all--meaning the objection is unfounded.

But I don't expect this will deter black organizations from building a Movement to ditch our national anthem.

And the race to war continues.


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