November 22, 2017

Newsweek compares Trump to Charles Manson

Newsweek was once a weekly magazine left-wing propaganda rag along the lines of Time Magazine.  Their relentless anti-American propaganda turned off lots of folks--too many, as it turned out--and the company that published the rag ended up being sold dollar.

I don't mean the magazine sold at news-stands for a dollar, but the whole company ended up being sold for a single dollar.  Seriously.  They decided they could save money by not publishing a paper copy, and the rag is now on-line only.

Sorta like they're blogging, but getting paid more.

You might think they'd have learned from the debacle, but of course they're leftists so they're simply not capable of learning.  I suspect a great many communists who got on the sh*t-list of the ruler continued to believe communism--and the ruler--were both jus' f'ing wonderful right up until the very moment the bullet penetrated their skull.

So the day after infamous crazy bastard Charlie Manson went to his just reward, the sleazy, Trump-hating rat-bastards at Newsweek tweeted a pic of Manson with the caption
How murderer Charles Manson and President Donald Trump used similar language to gain followers.
Naturally you can't believe even a bunch of insane, Trump-hating Leftists would really do that, so click here to see their tweet.

The Left really does hate you, and Trump, and America as you know it.  They pose as virtuous, claim to be tolerant, but they really want open borders and communism (though they'll charmingly say "socialism" instead, because "communism" disturbing associations for people over 40 or so.)

And they're slowly winning:  Polls show more east-coast college students would rather live under socialism then a capitalist system.

Explains SO much, eh?  The "elites" know who they can influence most.

Oh, and a bit of trivia for the moron leftists at Newzweak:  Manson actually wasn't a murderer.  Didn't kill anyone.  Really.  He just did what "leading" leftists have done for over a century:  he talked some useful idiots into killing people for him.  But no one with an IQ over two digits would expect anyone one the left to do any actual, y'know, research before publishing.

Typical.  And this is what they call "journalism," eh?


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