November 14, 2017

Muslim terror killer in NYC last week got into U.S. via "Diversity Visa Program" ?!

The federal government is accurately criticized for taking forever to respond to threats, especially ones that have only been known for, oh, a decade or two.  It's sorta' like not a single congresswhore or federal employee has the brains or balls to stand up and say "HEY, Islamic terrorists pose a huge threat to all western nations, and yet we're still letting thousands of people into the U.S. by an insane, random lottery!  We need to stop that at once!"

In particular:  The Diversity Visa Program was established by the Immigration Act of 1990.  The stated goal of the law was to "increase the diversity of the U.S. population."   Not sure why any sane people would think they needed to do that, but then I'm not a congresswhore.

Under that program, 55,000 immigrants each year are randomly chosen to get U.S. visas in an annual lottery.  It started in the mid-1990s.

Astonishingly, it's still going on, issuing visas to Muslims from known terrorist-supporting nations.

Yes, in the last ten years our moronic, slow-witted federal government issued nearly 30,000 visas to people from nations officially designated as sponsors of terrorism.

Brilliant, huh?

After Muslim hijackers killed 2,800 Americans on September 11, 2001, why didn't the government immediately order the morons who ran that wunnerful program to not award visas to people from threatening nations?  Well, probably because back then it wasn't clear which nations supported terrorism.

Discovering that took probably around two years.  Surely the feds would have taken action then, right?

Of course then the government didn't take action because they couldn't get the emperor to agree.  Yes, that's the same emperor who used the phrase "my Muslim faith" during an interview with George Stephanopolous on national television.  (Georgie covered for him by saying "You meant 'my *Christian* faith,' of course.")

Now, in the wake of eight more people killed by a Muslim in NYC--a man who was only able to enter the U.S. because he won one of the diversity visas--Trump has proposed ending the issuance of visas to residents of 7 countries.  But you know what's gonna happen, right?  An unelected federal judge in Hawaii will rule that he can't do that, because of the legal equivalent of "Because I said so!"

And it'll take another eight years for all the appeals to work their way through the legal system.

How many more Americans will be killed by winners of "diversity visas" during those 8 years?


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