November 26, 2017

Three males rape 14-year-old at gunpoint; only one mainstream media outlet covers it

When Donald Trump makes some silly tweet, the Lying Mainstream Media will have that all over the airwaves for two days.  But when a crime is committed that hurts The Narrative--the one pushed by socialists, liberals, Democrats and their allies in the Lying Mainstream Media--you almost never read about it in the mainstream media.

By contrast, if a small hometown newspaper or TV station fails to report a heinous crime, they get lots of heat from subscribers and viewers, which translates into lost income that can hurt the paper or station.  So the "locals" are essentially forced to cover and broadcast stories the national media is rarely interested in telling you about.

Before the Internet, Americans living outside the reach of the local paper or station had no way of learning about such crimes.  But now lots of sites exist that get "feeds" from local stations and let you see what's really happening.  And guess what?  It's vastly different from the bullshit the mainstream media is feeding you.

Latest case:  Two months ago a 14-year-old girl at the local county fair was raped at gunpoint by three black teenagers.  All three went to the same school, and she knew all three and identified them by name.

All three were picked up, charged, and released on ridiculously low bail ($25,000).

After they were released the victim said she received a picture on her cell phone from one of the attackers showing him holding a gun she believed was the one used in the assault.  She also said one of the attackers texted her telling her to "stop lying."

With that background, a local reporter asked school officials if the now-released rapists would be allowed to attend the same school as the victim.  This was a concern because the attackers had already threatened the victim via cell phone picture and texts.  The head of the local school board said he didn't know, and that the reporter should ask the superintendent.

This was already an outrage, now compounded by the school board never even considering the fact that if the attackers were allowed to attend their normal school they would continue to intimidate the victim.  "Not a problem," the board seemed to say.  Or at least, not *their* problem.

The members of the school board are idiots.  Morons.  They're totally unconcerned about putting this poor 14-year-old at risk of being intimidated for *months,* and possibly attacked *again,* because the board members weren't willing to buck their virtue-signalling peers.  Speculation?  Well, here are the alleged assailants:


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