December 06, 2017

Corrupt FBI agent Strzok changed language of Comey speech to clear Hilliary--before she was even interviewed!

This is huge:  Mueller's chief investigator about alleged "collusion"--an FBI agent named Peter Strzok--not only changed language in Comey's draft of Hillary email findings from "grossly negligent"--a term that would have forced an indictment--to "extremely careless"--a term which has to legal consequences--but also was one of the agents who received Comey's draft of Comey's rehearsed speech exonerating Hillary's clear violation of laws governing handling of classified information.

Did I mention that Comey drafted his "clear her" speech--and emailed it to his subordinates at the FBI for comments--BEFORE he interviewed Hillary?  That is, conclusion before finding the facts.  But hey, no corruption there, right?

And I'll bet you didn't know that when the FBI finally interviewed Hilly--after giving her literally months to erase all traces of her illegal emails of classified documents--they not only didn't put her under oath (which would have made her vulnerable to perjury charges if she was later proven to have lied--but didn't even record the interview!

But hey, there was absolutely no special treatment, citizen!  "Our laws apply equally to everyone," right?  What bullshit.

You would never have learned about any of this if Obama was still emperor.  The Swamp would have kept all this corruption totally secret.

Hopefully you've learned that two or three well-placed, corrupt bastards in the FBI--or in any government agency--can totally subvert justice, charging and convicting the innocent and letting the clearly guilty go free as a bird.  It's a disgrace.  The Founders would have shot the entire bunch for treason.

See the whole story at Ace of Spades.


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