December 28, 2017

Drug addicts claim disability pension for being addicted; liberals refuse to allow drug testing for welfare

In an advanced English-speaking nation it was discovered that a large number of drug or alcohol addicts were getting disability payments for...naturally...drug and alcohol use.

As word of this interesting dodge spread, the number of people applying was climbing sharply.  The  government-- under the impression that drug or alcohol addiction shouldn't be encouraged by tax money being used to paying users to buy more drugs and alcohol-- inserted a measure into a bill that would have required people applying for disability to be drug-tested.

Of course you can guess what happened:  The outcry from druggies was huge, and social-welfare apologists in the national senate forced the government to remove the provision.

So far, situation-normal for nations essentially controlled by snowflakes.  What makes the story interesting is...reading the comments at the link.  Half the commenters are outraged that the government would have the gall to test them for drugs before they could get a welfare check.

Other commenters cited people they knew who constantly used drugs, paid for by taxpayers, and were totally delighted with the stupidity.  No one wanted to work if they could sit around and do drugs all day, paid for by taxpayers.

Now, can anyone predict what will happen?

Well, not if you're a liberal, apparently.  Far better to just keep supporting 'em, no matter what the cost.  One of the big rationalizations is At least if we give 'em money each month they won't be forced to steal quite as much to pay for their habit.



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