January 15, 2018

German broadcaster does a story on Venezuela that you won't see in the NY Times

Deutsche Welle is a respected German TV and radio network.  Yesterday they ran the story below (which I've summarized) about the vast humanitarian disaster in Venezuela.

You won't see any stories like this in our Lying Mainstream Media, because the situation in Venezuela was caused by the disastrous policies of that nation's socialist government, and virtually all mainstream U.S. media support Democrat socialist policies.

Whoa!  Dat can't be right, can it?  I mean, doesn't the Democratic party in the U.S. support free markets, capitalism, freedom of speech and all the rest of what's made America the envy of the world?

No, not even close.  The Dems support socialism, in which da gruberment controls virtually everything, including health care.  Assigns desirable housing to supporters, gives good government jobs to its supporters and zilch to opponents.

Your kids or grandchildren don't know a single thing about the utterly, totally horrible results of socialism.  How could they?  The schools teach that socialism is totally wonderful.  Individual effort, self-discipline and hard work?  How barbaric!

Success is attributed not to hard work but to a rigged system.  And certainly to some extent the system IS rigged when the powerful can break the law without penalty.  Even young people see this easily, so it does't take much of a leap of logic to believe that ALL successful people somehow cheated.  "The system is rigged, citizen."

But I digress.  Here's DW on Venezuela---two days ago:
In an attempt to cushion the effect of inflation, at the end of December Venezuela's socialist government decreed the sixth wage and pension increase in a year, raising the minimum wage by 40 percent. 
Yay!  Now there's a fair gruberment*, citizens!  In the U.S. we can't even get da gruberment to decree a fair $15 per hour minimum wage, while down there the smahtah socialists have hiked the min wage by a whopping 40 percent!  Why haven't the Dems done that here?

Then they tell you that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has forecast an inflation rate of 2,350 percent for 2018, following 2,500 percent for the year just ended.  Kinda puts that 40% wage hike in a new perspective, eh?

The socialist government hasn't dared to publish inflation data for more than a year.  Because "we have the most transparent administration in history!"  Oh wait, that was the emperor boasting.  And it was just as true as "If you like your doctor and your policy, you can keep both."

A 24-year-old lawyer told DW "With a salary like mine, people used to be able to buy a car or make a down payment on a house.  But I can't afford to buy a pair of shoes. Facing this reality destroys your expectations."

Another lawyer said "Inflation is eating up almost everything.  A bottle of shampoo costs almost two weeks of my salary.  There's been a shortage of sugar.  I found one bag last week for 105,000 bolivars. But that's one-sixth of my entire month's salary!"

These aren't unskilled workers, but f'n attorneys.  Imagine how hard it must be for regular folks.

And what would you think happens when people don't have enough money for food?  Yep, the crime rate goes exponential. Tthe Venezuelan Observatory of Violence (OVV) reports that 28,479 people were killed in 2016--a rate of 91.8 per 100,000 people for the whole country.  And in the capital, Caracas, the OVV reported a staggering 140 homicides per 100,000 inhabitants in 2016.

Wait, is that high?  A little high, or frighteningly high?  DW doesn't say.  But the murder rate in the U.S. last year was 4.5 per 100,000.  In other words, socialist Venezuela's murder rate is about 20 times greater than ours.

(As you would expect, the official murder rate from the Venezuelan attorney general's office for 2016, is much lower, just 70.1 per 100,000 inhabitants.  Their government is no more truthful than Obama's DOJ.)

So...a snapshot of socialism in action.  The NY Times and WaPo blame the problems on a drastic drop in oil prices.  And lack of rain reducing electrical output.  And global warming.  And economic sabotage by the eeeebil orange dictator in the White House.  In short, anything but socialism.

Tell your kids and grandkids about Venezuela.  Cuz if you don't, who do you think will tell 'em the truth about socialism?   It sure as hell won't be the teachers' unions, or the NY Times or WaPo or Slate or The Hill or Politico or NBC or HuffPo.  And unless your kids know socialism is a dire evil, they'll go out as sheep amongst the wolves.

*: "gruberment" refers to MIT economist Jonathan Gruber, who drafted much of the provisions of that wonder of socialist wonders, Obamacare.  Gruber is famous for saying on several occasions that they deliberately wrote the bill to be as confusing as possible, so no one would be able to understand what its actual costs would be or how it would be funded.  He's also caught on video saying they depended on the stupidity of the American public to get the thing passed.

Really, he actually said both those things.  More than once.  When Republicans in congress asked him later what he meant, he said it was just a slip of the tongue--something he too-cutely called a "speak-o," since everyone had heard the term "typo."  Really, he said that.  But he got away with that bullshit because, Democrat Narrative.


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