May 22, 2018

Crazy guy scares kids at park; judge simply orders crazy not to do it again

The pic below is Otis Dawayne Ryan, a resident of Florida.  Last Sunday he went to a local park--one he often visits--climbed on top of a piece of equipment and started yelling vulgarities at young children.

So far, typical crazy-person story.  But that's not the point.  Point is how our vast, overpaid, moronic legal system responded:  The judge fined him and ordered him to stay away from the park.

Let's review:  The guy is obviously either crazy, evil or both.  How many of you think a judge ordering him not to do something will have any effect whatsoever?

Yeah, that's what I thought.  And yet that's what the judge did.  And one can imagine liberal parents telling their kids "Don't worry about the man with the tattoos on his face on top of the slide yelling at everyone--he's perfectly harmless."  He might be--just as a tiger may be harmless for some period of time.  But are you willing to risk your kid's life on that bet?


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