May 22, 2018

About those tax cuts and bonuses from the tax reform law? Not a single Democrat voted for it

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Let's repeat that so everyone gets it: "Not a SINGLE Democrat voted for it."

"But...but...but...Democrats keep saying they're the party of the 'little guy' against the big corporations.  Why wouldn't they vote for a bill that would trigger such a massive benefit to the average working stiff?"

Yeah.  Why indeed.

It's with profound disappointment that I've come to the conclusion that most members of the Democratic party would rather see the U.S. conquered by Islam than support even a great Republican program.  To Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Harry Reid, Hilliary Clinton, emperor Barack and Michelle Obozo and most others, any disastrous outcome is preferable to doing the 'right' thing, if that thing was proposed by Republicans.


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